Internet: shit or the shit?


  1. So, if this is to be taken seriously (doubtful), we have a malcontent, that’s fashionable, so what’s next? Does this organization purport to have a shitless solution? Would they build an internet where everything was deemed to be “non-shit” (not to be confused with nonsense otherwise known as misinformation)? I wonder who’d do the deeming? It certainly wouldn’t be techno-fasciscm because I’m sure they would call it something else . . . respectfully. (Member Dom Irrera and his bit about “with all due respect”?)

  2. Oh on a side note if you didn’t catch Demitri Martin’s “Trend Spotting” piece for The Daily Show you should. He talked about how awesome MySpace is what with the birthday cards and all his friends. Truly good stuff if you get the joke which I fear the author of this website might not since TV, Movies, and certainly literature, and books are also mostly shit. Though Crash was a good movie . . . sometimes they get it right.

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