Reality and delusion


“A person who signs onto an anonymous forum under a pseudonym…is surely entitled to a reasonable expectation that his speech…will not be accessible to the Government…absent appropriate legal process. To hold otherwise would ignore the role of the internet as a remarkably powerful forum for private communication and association. Even the Government concedes that the internet is an ‘important vehicle for the free exchange of ideas and facilitates associations.'” |link|


The operator of any interactive computer service or an Internet service provider shall establish, maintain and enforce a policy to require any information content provider who posts written messages on a public forum website either to be identified by a legal name and address, or to register a legal name and address with the operator of the interactive computer service or the Internet service provider through which the information content provider gains access to the interactive computer service or Internet, as appropriate.|link|

Note that all these bills begin with the service/content distinction, and the legal definition of the interenet. More info.

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