Flagging the list of +John Battelle's so-called "open values", which are roughly in line with what I've been calling the #digitalvalues . More discussion on the philosophy of digital values here:
Jeffrey Sullivan originally shared this post:
What Values Do You Want Your Social Media Site(s) to Share with You?
It's a fascinating question, as we wrap our lives into publicly-searchable sites.
John Battelle proposes the list below in the referenced article. Are these the right values, and how well does G+ fit them so far?
– No gatekeepers. The web is decentralized. Anyone can start a web site. No one has the authority (in a democracy, anyway) to stop you from putting up a shingle.
– An ethos of the commons. The web developed over time under an ethos of community development, and most of its core software and protocols are royalty free or open source (or both). There wasn’t early lockdown on what was and wasn’t allowed. This created chaos, shady operators, and plenty of dirt and dark alleys. But it also allowed extraordinary value to blossom in that roiling ecosystem.
– No preset rules about how data is used. If one site collects information from or about a user of its site, that site has the right to do other things with that data, assuming, again, that it’s doing things that benefit all parties concerned.
– Neutrality. _No one site on the web is any more or less accessible than any other site. If it’s on the web, you can find it and visit it.
– Interoperability. Sites on the web share common protocols and principles, and determine independently how to work with each other. There is no centralized authority which decides who can work with who, in what way.
Or would you add or replace these with other ones?
If Facebook's IPO filing does anything besides mint a lot of millionaires, it will be to shine a rather unsettling light on a fact most of us would rather not acknowledge: The web as we know it is…