The King is Dead

Long live the King

Alright, I think I hammered this thing into shape. It looks a bit awkward, but I think its pretty smooth. I’m just happy that it looks normal on IE, which is no small miracle.

To look at how far this format has come, take a look at my old blogger page. We’ve come a long way, baby.


  1. Why not try a muted blue? It might make the text “pop” just a little better.

  2. I’m really not sure I want it to pop that much. Bright red hurt my eyes, I like the duller red much better. It’s legible, isn’t it?

    Maybe I’ll switch to a blue for a few days, you guys tell me what you think.

  3. Blue is good it doesn’t hurt the eyes unlike red, it is soothing and comforting. That’s why the liberal media uses blue for Democrats and red for Republicans, right? Anyway I also think that putting the bar with the friend blogs and stuff on the right makes more sense since the eye should go to that after reading the content of your blog not before.

  4. No, I like the bar on the left, because that way it wont interfere with pictures I post, no matter how big they are. Thats why I chose this format originally, and was part of the reason I had to make my last template pretty much from scratch, because people just don’t use left sidebars. Well, I do, and I like it this way.

  5. Hey man all sorts of people read from right to left (backwards) so it’s cool. I never noticed interference on pictures you posted before though seems like it wouldn’t matter which side it was on.

  6. left sidebar is better.

    blue is ugly as shit.

    i like pink.

    bring back the red.

  7. and then an empty box came floating by, an empty box and you crawled inside.

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