Life imitates artificial life

From the Lack of Imagination Department:

But it seems some expect the perfect person to come in synthetic form as 15% of us in the North East believe robots will be a fully integrated part of our lives within 20 years.

They cited the robot from Will Smith’s futuristic film I Robot and Spielberg’s AI (Artificial Intelligence), which stars British actor Jude Law, as the sort of creatures they expect to be sitting in our offices in coming years.

Blade Runner characters the Replicants and Robocop were also seen as possible indicators of how our machine helpers may look in the future, but only a handful thought Star Wars robots C3PO and R2-D2 could be brought to life. |link|

1 Comment

  1. “What I’m really lookin for is a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators.” I wonder what the remaining 85 % are expecting in the North East probably snow. We will hopefully have hoovercars and super fast underground electro-magnet bullet trains for rapidity in the real world A to B before we have pleasure bots with advanced dermal sensory tissues, or little wooden boys that want to be real.

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