Something old

AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre says something stupid again:

From Financial Times: AT&T chief warns on internet costs

“I think the content providers should be paying for the use of the network – obviously not the piece from the customer to the network, which has already been paid for by the customer in Internet access fees – but for accessing the so-called Internet cloud.”

“If someone wants to transmit a high quality service with no interruptions and ‘guaranteed this, guaranteed that’, they should be willing to pay for that,” the AT&T chief said.

“Now they might pass it on to their customers who are looking at a movie, for example. But that ought to be a cost of doing business for them. They shouldn’t get on [the network] and expect a free ride.”

See Ars Technica for the same old criticism we have seen before. The congressional hearings on net neutrality will be starting soon, and I’ll definitely be keeping up with the game. Of course, this becomes much more interesting because

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