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AKA: Silly Putty


– Known as ‘Potty Putty’ in England

– Is a viscoelastic liquid, which means it will act as a liquid over long periods of time, but as a solid in the short term.

– A good demonstration of the above can be found here

– After a long period of inactivity, silly putty will turn into a pool of silicone.

– Erotic art employing silly putty can be found here and here. (NOT SAFE FOR WORK). I do not know if these pieces are still in tact.

– I personally prefer silly putty art like this.

– From the MIT page on silly putty:

Ironically, it was only after its success as a toy that practical uses were found for Silly Putty®. It picks up dirt, lint and pet hair, and can stabilize wobbly furniture; but it has also been used in stress-reduction and physical therapy, and in medical and scientific simulations. The crew of Apollo 8 even used it to secure tools in zero-gravity.

– I use silly putty as a stress reliever, as a nail-biting deterrent, and as a public speaking tool. I also play with it in classes while I am thinking. Prof. Wagner does the same with a Slinky, which is really the Fintstones to Silly Putty’s Jetsons.

– Silly putty absorbs dead skin cells after constant use, making it sticky. The average piece of silly putty lasts 3 days of constant use before becoming too sticky and viscous to be sanitary. I stick used silly putty on the wall next to my computer to poke while I wait for programs to load.

– Unless under high stress, Silly Putty likes to remain continuous. It is impossible to disentangle two pieces of silly putty once they have come in contact; when silly putty meet, their original identities are lost forever.


  1. sure but you’d probably have to put it in the freezer to ensure maximum rolling otherwise it might sort of spiral down the stairs. It’d be a great device you could sell em by the gross to people who want to use them to clean their houses.

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