Domain Specificity

hello robot

Alright, today marks the first day on our new hosting, with our spanking fresh domain name, and a boat load of extras that I don’t even know how to work yet.

You will notice that this is, as opposed to say, or, which to be honest I can’t really get my head around. In any case, I just spent a bunch of money so that you have to type 5 fewer letters to read the news I steal from the net.

So give this site a good stress test, if you can, and let me know if things look bad on other browsers, or if links dont work, or loading times are slow, or anything else you stumble across. I need to put up a ‘recent posts’ bit on the side bar, and hook up the rss feed, and there are a couple of other odds and ends I know dont work. But let me know what else you stumble upon.


  1. ok, I’ll use this to make notes to myself too:

    the date is all screwey on the front page, and the rest of the pages still have the ugly non-numeric format.

    The archives seem to mess up the sidebar.


    I am also thinking about putting up a ‘recent comments’ link, as it is one of the more useful features on Pat’s site. But I usually dont get many comments. Bet then again, maybe that will help, especially when I post a bunch on the same day. I’ll take voter opinion on this issue.

  2. oh, hay, and the links in the above post should be red. I wonder what happened there.

    Oh man oh man do I hate CSS. I turned the default wordpress theme into my standard theme. It would have been so much easier to start from scratch. ugh ugh ugh.

  3. I scaled down the font size a bit; I always forget that I leave my monitors with huge resolution, and it looked pretty bad over at the LPL. Hopefully it is easier on the eyes now.

    I put up the recent posts/comments sidebar plugins. I think they look pretty snazzy, though the comments might be a bit too busy. I really dont like the trailing ellipses. And the names shouldn’t be white. Let me know if you guys like that there, I am still up in the air about keeping it.

    I fixed up the dates, and moved a few things around. I think the layout is pretty much set now.

    I hacked something together to fix the layout in IE. It still looks bad (the sidebar is on the right), but it is at least viewable. I dont like the sidebar on the right, especially if I want to post large pictures. But it’ll have to due as long as IE refuses to adopt CSS standards.

    I just noticed the comment dates are screwy. I’ll change that right now.

    Also: you can now read my blog in your favorite RSS reader. Yay.

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